Our scholarships are open to Fort Lewis College students. The members of our branch and recipients of our AAUW Scholarships have the opportunity to meet each other at the Annual Benefactors Brunch hosted by FLC. This gives our members a chance to get to know and support these students with more than just financial assistance.
We partner with the Fort Lewis College Foundation to administer these scholarships. If you would like to apply please visit their website, FLC Foundation Scholarships. Deadlines for scholarship applications are in December and awards are announced in February.
Criteria for the AAUW Durango Branch Scholarship and the Sandy Brown Scholarship.
Approved by AAUW Board of Directors August 2024:
Full-time student in good academic standing
Sophomore classification or higher
Demonstrates financial needPreference is given to:
Non-traditional students
From Southwest Colorado or Four Corners region
Individuals who connect with the mission of AAUW
Those who have experienced gender inequity in education